Monday, 22 October 2012

Social Media

heh. I'm blogging about this while the icing's thawing out.

I saw this article up on & it's about erasing your social media presence. Didn't read every page cause it was just about removing your data on apps like instagram, twitter and the likes. But there's this part that I really like.

"Posting comments online is just like exiting an MRT station - once you tap the ez-link card, you can't have it undone. Even if you find out later it is not the right station, you can't ask for a refund," said Dr Brian Lee, head of the communication programme at SIM University.

It happens to almost everyone. Getting off at the wrong station that is, and with all the new stations and lines, such things probably happen more now than before. The way how social media is sucking people into its wormhole. I dislike the way social media is, but I don't have enough.. .. "oompf" ? .. in me to pull away. Oh wait. Is blogging considered as social media? *wonders*
Just google-ed it & yep, it's counted. *shrug*

Posting things online is about as easy as tapping our ez-link cards. The way internet is so available everywhere & how we can even go mobile. Doing something stupid is just so much easier. Say.. posting in the heat of the moment, your thoughts of someone who ticked you off. Similar to couples fighting and in the heat of the argument, one yells "fine then! let's break up!". Unpleasant words just comes out of our mouths real easily when we're angry. I've been there recently, & boy do I regret it. Major irrational dumb move of mine. Now I know the lousy feeling, I'm gonna avoid that completely as far as I can. Stay away from Facebook or Twitter when I'm mad or ticked off.

What about when we're upset? There's some people who'd say that people who post about sad things just want attention. That the number of concerned comments matters to them. There's also the posts about relationships. I used to do that a lot, but I've really toned down quite a bit with Jer. Although, I still do the occasional posting when I get upset with him. (._. )

Basically, there's no need for the world to know right? The general stuff like "great day out with the girls & my godson!" is alright. The rants however, should they really go up on Facebook? What did we do before, when there wasn't any Facebook? People actually talked face to face & caught up with each other. The attention was diverted at the end of the conversation. But when you post it, it's like a thread. It's like recording when and what you got annoyed or pissed about, and then reminding yourself about it every time you get a notification on it.

*sigh* what have I been doing..

watch where you tread in the virtual world..

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